“In the Master’s Light” (IML) is a bridge building ministry between Church and the new spiritualities. IML has a threefold aim:
The work began as spiritual gatherings in 1995 in Copenhagen. It started as an outreach from a parish church in Copenhagen in non-church premises, which were also used by new-agers. Since then the service has developed, and is held both in church buildings and in non-church premises such as libraries. At some places the service includes the Eucharist, in other places experiments take place e.g. dancing. IML at some places arrange services at full moon as a service praying for the healing of the Earth and the human race, acknowledging the concern of the theosophist and new spiritual milieu for the brother-sisterhood of humanity and the wholeness of creation. Also seasonal services are celebrated on the eight Celtic festivals.
IML is engaged at new age fairs having its own booth, praying with guests and other exhibitors. IML give workshops and lectures in New Age societies and at their activities. We have different courses introducing seekers to Christian spirituality and faith, and offer individual soul care, counselling and spiritual direction. IML arranges city retreats with different partners. |