In the Master’s Light is a part of the missions organization, called Areopagos, formerly Scandinavian Christian Mission to Buddhists. This video is a documentation of it early history and vision:
Once more, I should like to express my gratitude that UPF invites for these meetings. When Nobu and I talked about the topic for today, he also used the term the physical world along with earthly life. I’ll try to deal with the topic in this way. I’ll start with the high spiritual ideals and then turn to their realization in our daily life and especially in relation to physical world (the earth on which we live).
Thank you for once more inviting me to share with you. I appreciate these meetings and your friendship and hospitality. The experience I’ll share is rather a series of events, which are linked together. It begins back in the early-1970s. I was invited to participate in a Charismatic meeting at the Catholic Niels Steensens Gymnasium. --- A Christfulness Service Download document: Ole gave an address to an interfaith meeting in Copenhagen. The topic for the meeting was Hope. |