jesus2In the Master’s Light is a community of women and men who has recognized God’s Light of purity, love and wisdom in Jesus the Master.

Therfore we a gathering around Jesus in the same way as the disciples in their time sat at the feet of the Master or followed Him.

We are learning about Him through the Bible, and at many of the meetings inspirations from the Master are shared along with words and visions from God.

In the Master’s Light wants to be a brigdebuilder between the church and the spiritual and holistic milieus og today.

We share concerns and recognize a common quest with everyone who longs for the healing of the earth and humankind

·         I Mesterens Lys er et fællesskab af kvinder og mænd, som har genkendt Guds lys af renhed, kærlighed og visdom i Mesteren Jesus.

·         In the Master’s Light is a community of women and men who has recognized God’s Light of purity, love and wisdom in Jesus the Master.


·         Derfor samles vi om Jesus på samme måde, som disciplene i sin tid sad ved Mesterens fødder eller vandrede med Ham.

·         Therfore we a gathering around Jesus in the same way as the disciples in their time sat at the feet of the Master or followed Him.


·         Vi lærer om Ham gennem Bibelen og ved mange af møderne deles inspirationer fra Mesteren Jesus og andre ord og billeder fra Gud.

·         We are learning about Him through the Bible, and at many of the meetings inspirations from the Master are shared along with words and visions from God.


·         I Mesterens Lys ønsker også at bygge bro mellem kirken og åndeligt søgende mennesker, der som vi er optaget af at finde helhed i tilværelsen.

·         In the Master’s Light wants to be a brigdebuilder between the church and the spiritual and holistic milieus og today.


·         Vi har fællesskab med enhver, som længes efter jordens og menneskehedens heling.

·         We share concerns and recognize a common quest with everyone who longs for the healing of the earth and humankind